legal english

Contractual Negotiation & Mediation Skills Masterclass

Corso Intensivo in Tecniche di Negoziazione e Mediazione Contrattuale

25 crediti formativi per Avvocati - 18 crediti formativi per Mediatori

16 crediti formativi per Formatori in Mediazione

Dublino:  Lunedí 20 Luglio 2015 – Venerdí 24  Luglio 2015 

La Law Society of Ireland, Ordine Nazionale degli Avvocati Irlandesi, in collaborazione con ADR Intesa, organizza nel mese di luglio un corso avanzato interamente dedicato alla Negoziazione e alla Mediazione con specifico riferimento alla materia contrattuale.

Si tratta di un corso intensivo, altamente interattivo, finalizzato a fornire ai partecipanti un’approfondita preparazione teorico – pratica con riferimento alle tecniche negoziali e conciliative, al panorama internazionale degli ADR e alla normativa italiana.

I moduli dedicati alla negoziazione saranno affiancati da sessioni di tecnica della mediazione con simulazioni, analisi di casi pratici, assistenza al cliente in mediazione e riferimenti deontologici.

Grazie alla collaborazione con A.D.R. Intesa,  la frequenza dei moduli dedicati alla Mediazione varrà anche come aggiornamento biennale ex D.M. 180/2010. Tutte le lezioni verranno tenute in lingua inglese.

Ai fini dell’iscrizione non è richiesta alcuna particolare attestazione, ma si consiglia una  conoscenza della lingua inglese equivalente almeno  al livello B1


Dublino, 20 – 24 Luglio 2015

  • Commercial Contracts & Advanced Negotiation Skills
  • Intellectual Property Law and Technology & Advanced Negotiation Skills Master Class
  • Advanced Commercial Legal Skills

Corsi accreditati ai fini della Formazione Continua Professionale in forza del Protocollo di Intesa tra Il

Consiglio Nazionale Forense e la Law Society of Ireland (25 crediti)

Scarica i Programmi dei corsi

Scarica il modulo di iscrizione

Per informazioni e colloqui orientativi: Programme Manager per l’Italia  legalenglish.eu@gmail.com

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Intensive Contractual Negotiation

and Mediation Advocacy

Summer School

Monday 21st July – Friday 25th July – CDP Hours 22 –

Law Society of Ireland

The Law Society of Ireland is the professional, representative and educational body for its 12,000 Solicitor members providing third level pre and post-qualification education and continued professional development training.

     Its brand new Summer Courses, especially designed for the European Lawyers, will be run on the exclusive premises  of the Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, in Dublin.

    The main objectives of these Legal English & Law Courses are:

  • to help lawyers expand their knowledge of legal English terminology
  • to communicate more effectively in spoken English in a legal professional context
  • to acquire new knowledge, competencies and skills in specified areas of legal practice
  • to acquire enhanced negotiation strategies and techniques leading to more effective negotiation outcomes
  • to improve oral fluency
  • to facilitate international professional networking

   Lecturers will all be experienced and respected Solicitors, Barristers and European professional legal skills consultants with extensive practice and teaching experience and certified learning, teaching and assessment qualifications.

Contractual Negotiation & Mediation Advocacy Master Class- An intensive and highly interactive Negotiation & Mediation Course in cooperation with  ADR Intesa, Chartered Training Institute for Italian Mediators,  which aims to provide participants with a thorough knowledge of the most essential negotiation skills to be used in their daily professional life.  Mediation Advocacy sessions will complete the course teaching how to assist clients properly and facilitate a positive mediation outcome. Daily interactive workshops, tutorials, role plays and feedback will enable participants to put theory in practiceand focus on the improvement of their speaking, listening, legal and professional skills.

Course Programme


Day 1

Introduction to Negotiation Skills & Techniques and to the legal issues to be dealt with during role plays ( The Sale of Goods, Elements of Tort Law, damages )
Day 2Negotiation Styles & Case Study;.Workshop 1: Negotiation Tools & Personalities.Ethics of Negotiation & Ethics in Negotiation
Day 3Preparing for Negotiation.Workshop 2: One – to – One Negotiation.Ethics in Mediation: a EU comparative perspective.
Day 4Negotiation: Tips and Tactics.Workshop 3: Multilateral Negotiation.Mediation: an introduction to Mediation Advocacy Skills.
Day 4Mediation: How to prepare a client to Mediation; from  clientʾs positions to clientʾs interests; Information gathering and strategy defined.Case study on Tort Law: planning, role play and feedback


Please send your requests to: legalenglish@adrintesa.it

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Per avviare un procedimento di mediazione ai fini della composizione bonaria della controversia esistente, occorre presentare una specifica istanza ad ADR Intesa.